
It is always great to notify your team that you are deploying. django-fabric makes it easy to do that automatically.

Built in notification mixins

There are some built in mixins. To use them add them to your class in your fabfile and make sure you add the attributes necessary. They should have defaults for values that are not used to authenticate you with the given service.

class django_fabric.notifications.IrcNotifyMixin[source]

A mixin that notifies given channels on irc.

Default: ''

The irc server you want to connect to.

Default: 6667

The port of the irc server.

Default: 'django-fabric'

The nick that should appear on irc when the notification is sent.

Default: []

List of rooms to notify, should be a list of strings.

Default: 25

The time in seconds before the irc connection times out.

class django_fabric.notifications.SlackNotifyMixin[source]

A mixin that notifies a channel on the Slack. Requires to set the attribute URL.

Default: '#general'

The channel to post the notification in.

Default: 'django-fabric'

The nick that should appear in Slack when the notification is sent.


The Slack POST URL. Can be found at

class django_fabric.notifications.HipChatNotifyMixin[source]

A mixin that notifies a room on HipChat. Requires to set the attribute ROOM and HIPCHAT_TOKEN.


The room to post the notification in.

Default: False

Whether or not this message should trigger a notification for people in the room (change the tab color, play a sound, etc).

Default: 'yellow'

Background color for message. Valid values: yellow, red, green, purple, gray, random

Build your own notification mixin

If we do not support your chat service, bot or whatever you want to notify it should not be a problem. It is pretty easy to create your own notification mixin. Just create a class that inherit from the Notifier class and overwrite the methods you need to customize. Remember you must at least override send_notification. If you think your notification mixin can be useful for others a pull-request is appreciated.

class django_fabric.notifications.Notifier[source]
notification_message_context(self, instance):

Provides the context used in pre_deploy_notify() and post_deploy_notify().

pre_deploy_notify(self, instance):

The method that sends notification before deployment. This should generate the message and call send_notification.

post_deploy_notify(self, instance):

The method that sends notification after deployment. This should generate the message and call send_notification.

send_notification(self, message):

This method actually sends the notification. The logic that talks to the service should be put here. This method needs to be implemented in the subclass or it will raise a NotImplementedError.